Dynamic Traits Marketplace

(WIP, Subject to Change)

Upgradable TRAITS

Space Hawk NFTs start with pre-generated art and a predefined rarity. However overtime we will be making available a limited supply of new traits - allowing you to own a completely unique Space Hawk - with a corresponding new rarity level.

Upgrading your Space Hawk's rarity ranking directly impacts token yields, DAO governance rights, and all upcoming future benefits.

Truly Dynamic NFTs

Each of these add-ons is, on its own, an actual NFT that can be "attached" to the main base token and thus increase its value and rarity. All while keeping decentralized blockchain standards, so you will see them come up across other marketplaces like OpenSea or Looksrare.

  1. Space Hawks will be fully customizable, except it's base feather color. (Ensures 1of1 NFTs)

  2. The "add-on" marketplace will open its door for purchasing and upgrading your Space Hawks shortly after our initial mint.

  3. Add-ons will be tradable on their own.

  4. You may attach add-ons to the main token and put it all together for auction.

  5. Stake your upgraded Space Hawk and earn even more $SROX tokens (ERC-20).

Last updated