The Spacerox Referral Program

(WIP, Subject to Change)

The Spacerox Referral (SR) program turns the Space Hawks community into a money making machine, both for the Spacerox product suite, and for the Space Hawks community. Let's review the key elements of the referral program:

How much do Space Hawks holders get paid for a referral?

The most important question, of course, is how much commission can Space Hawk holders expect to get? We see the Space Hawks NFT as a partnership between Spacerox DAO and the Web3 community. As a result, we're launching the referral program with a bang and setting massively high referral fees for the launch. The referral fees are broken down by our current product line:

  • Spacerox Platform - the core service provided by Spacerox DAO that onboards, consults, and modernizes aerospace/space projects to rapidly and self-sufficiently develop, scale, and deploy a web3 technology stack.

For each qualified sale of the Spacerox Platform through a referral, Spacerox will pay 60% of the first year platform fees to the Space Hawks treasury up to a maximum of $20,000 USD per referral. The Space Hawks treasury will then distribute the commission to the referrer and all other qualified Space Hawk holders. The commission will be denominated in ETH for the primary referrer and in $SROX to other Space Hawk holders.

  • The SatHawk App - the referral fee for premium upgraded users is 10% of the first year membership costs to the Space Hawks treasury, which will then be distributed to the referrer and other qualified Space Hawk holders. Once a complete decentralized data source is complete and passes our sustainability checks, this data will be sold separately to the aerospace industry - which will also be eligible for the SR program.

The referral fees may be adjusted over time for a variety of business considerations.

What's the split between the referrer and the Space Hawks community?

Space Hawks is one big giant family of space faring hawks that work together to create a brighter future. Unlike most referral programs, our referral program rewards the community with a large commission for each referral. We've designed the program this way because we believe that the network effects of the community will be a more powerful mechanism for spreading the word than any individual's network.

For each referral payout, the referrer will receive 40% of the reward and the community will receive the remaining 60%. Here's where it gets really interesting: to reward long term community members we'll look at on-chain data and the duration of their current soft-stake period. Anyone who's been qualified for referral payouts and has over 100 days of current active stake will receive their full share of the referral payout. Space Hawks holders who's current active stake period is less than 100 days, will receive a prorated share. For example, if Alice has been staking her Space Hawk for 66 days she will receive 66% of the per-Space Hawks community payout.

The best part: Space Hawks are stackable for referral fees. Each Space Hawks earns its own equal share of the community payout, and holding multiple Space Hawks gives the holder the commission of all the Space Hawks that they have staked.

Mint note: in the first 100 days post mint, the staking requirements will be waived and every qualified Space Hawks holder at the time of payout will receive their share.

What are the qualification criteria for participating in the Spacerox Referral Program?

The intent is to allow as many Space Hawks holders as possible to participate in the referral program. Due to regulatory constraints we may not be able to make payments to individuals in certain jurisdictions. The two rules for qualifying for an Referral Payout are:

  • Hold a Space Hawks in your wallet

  • Accept the terms and conditions of the Referral Program via the Space Hawks website (page to be set up shortly post mint)

Disclaimer: Please review the official Terms of Service. In the event of any inconsistency between the information contained on this website and the information contained in the Terms of Service, the Terms of Service prevail/control.

Last updated