The $SROX Token

(WIP, Subject to Change)

What is the $SROX token?

The $SROX token is a new token that will be launched shortly after the Space Hawks mint. Space Hawk holders that stake their Space Hawks will earn yield in $SROX, gaining governance power in Spacerox DAO as well as the ability to spend $SROX on Spacerox products and services.

How can I earn $SROX?

Earning $SROX is very simple. All you need to do is keep your Space Hawk NFT(s) in your wallet. Spacerox DAO will leverage on-chain data to determine how long each Space Hawk stays in it's current wallet. If a Space Hawk moves from one wallet to another, the staking clock resets. Note that moving a Space Hawk out of a wallet forfeits any $SROX that have been earned but not yet deposited in the same wallet by Spacerox.

What is the yield schedule?

The yield schedule varies across Space Hawks and depends on their rank. The current yield schedule in $SROX is:

  • Ranks 1-1000 - 60 $SROX per year

  • Ranks 1001-3000 - 37 $SROX per year

  • Ranks 3001-5555 - 23 $SROX per year

$SROX yield will be airdropped into Space Hawk holders once every month evenly distributed throughout the year. For example, a rank 50 Space Hawk holder will receive 5 $SROX for each complete month of staking. If a Space Hawk is moved between wallets then any $SROX accrued that month by the sending wallet are forfeited and the receiving wallet accrues a prorated portion of $SROX for the first month. For example, if Alice just purchased a rank 100 Space Hawk and is exactly half a month away from the next airdrop, she will receive 2.5 $SROX in the first month, followed by 5 $SROX for each subsequent month that the Space Hawk remains in her wallet.

What can I use $SROX for?

$SROX can be spent anytime on Spacerox products and services at a rate of 1 $SROX per USDC. For example, if Bob is contracts a Spacerox consulting service at a price of $850 / month (actual price may vary) and he has 850 $SROX, he can cover one month of consulting costs with his token and pay the rest with fiat or USDC.

What are the future max supply, distribution and emission rates of $SROX?

This is still undetermined and we will provide an update closer to the $SROX launch.

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Last updated